Holistic Reflexology: Physical Dimension

foot picture

Therapeutic reflexology is a complementary healthcare modality that holistically treat the human body.  In today’s post we’ll explore this holistic modality, especially in the physical dimension, to understand where it can be used effectively.


Physical Holism

The human beings are holistic in nature and consists of seven distinct dimensions, namely the physical, psychological (emotional), spiritual, social, sexual, financial and career dimensions (Scheepers, 2003; Scheepers, 2007).  Therapeutic Reflexology is able to address all seven these dimensions and therefore it can be seen as a truly holistic healthcare modality.


Today our focus will be on the physical dimension; that human dimension characterised by your physical body in which you experience physical signs and symptoms like pain or discomfort.  It is amazing to realise how interconnected the body is designed with a whole network of arteries, veins, nerves, muscles, lymph and so forth.  The entire physical body is one big interconnected mechanism where all twelve bodily systems work in conjunction with each other.  Therefore, if one bodily system or one organ is affected, it is not in isolation, but the entire body will be affected; the same with pain, discomfort and other signs and symptoms.


Physical Benefits

Brown (1999:49) says that reflexology is especially useful when treating the following conditions:

  • Acute and Chronic conditions
  • Circulatory disorders;
  • Digestive disorders;
  • Emotional disorders;
  • Fatigue;
  • Insomnia;
  • Menstrual problems; and
  • Stress and related disorders.


From personal experience, I can also indicate that therapeutic reflexology is very effective as a treatment for the following physical conditions:

  • Fibromyalgia;
  • Foot and leg pain;
  • Infertility;
  • Numbness in legs and feet;
  • Pain Management; and
  • Stress Management.


Physical Reflexology

Therapeutic Reflexology does not treat a specific conditions or illness, but instead helps the body to relax and heal itself, or at least attempt to balance itself, from the inside out.  It is not the therapeutic reflexology that causes healing, but the body itself.


Therapeutic reflexology just helps the body to relax, reduce stress, eliminate toxins, balance hormones, increase blood circulation and secretes chemicals like endorphins that assists the body to heal or balance itself and, in the process, it relieves symptoms and increases a feeling of overall wellbeing.  The body responds with reduced signs and symptoms of discomfort or pain and increased wellness.  This is done by physically stimulating the reflexes or nerve endings on the feet and sometimes on other areas of the body like the hands, face and ears.


Physical Contraindications

Therapeutic reflexology is safe to use even if a patient has other signs, symptoms or health conditions and even if the patient is being treated by another healthcare professional.  That is the benefit of therapeutic reflexology as healthcare modality; it is totally integrated into a multi-disciplinary approach alongside other healthcare professionals.


Brown (1999:49) says that reflexology is safe for everyone, but for some conditions like pregnancy the treatment regime has to be customised and certain reflexes should be avoided.


When certain conditions or symptoms are present, the trained and registered therapeutic reflexologist will know how to adjust the treatment regime and still be able to offer a good quality treatment.  It does not exclude you from getting a reflexology treatment, but it may just mean that the therapeutic reflexologist will have to take special precautionary measures when offering you the treatment; for your safety and for that of the reflexologist.


Therapeutic Reflexology is safe during pregnancy (especially if the patient received reflexology prior to becoming pregnant), but usually doctors will say that it should be used with caution during the first trimester of pregnancy, especially if it is a problem pregnancy or if the patient is prone to miscarriages.  The registered therapeutic reflexologist will always be honest and open about what is recommended and if ever in doubt or if the patient needs reassurance, a referral to a medical doctor can be made to get the GP’s go-ahead before continuing with treatment during the first trimester of pregnancy.  During the second and third trimester there is no need for special precautions and therapeutic reflexology is knows for assisting pregnant mothers with reducing back pain, water retention and even help with morning sickness, indigestion or constipation.


Physical Touch

Therapeutic reflexology is more than just a healthcare modality to help you eliminate signs and symptoms; it is a therapy and that means that it is accompanied by therapeutic touch.


Touch has healing properties and therapeutic reflexology is a therapy where non-invasive touch offers more than appropriate touch; it offers the patient the opportunity to really feel touched and if somebody cares. Therapeutic touch is very effective in helping people overcome their physical conditions as therapy makes them realise they are not alone in their attempt to deal with the condition, they have a therapist that is willing offer them physical therapy through their feet.


Therapeutic reflexology is a holistic healthcare modality where the body is touched holistically in an attempt to relax it, to reduce stress and in the process to increase overall health and wellbeing.



Brown, E. (1999)Alternative Medicine: A step-by-step guide.  Bath, UK: Mustard.


Scheepers, C.A. (2003) The Exploitation of Practical Sociology as Counselling Model for Application in a Christian-Holistic Founded Practice.  Unpublished Ph.D.-thesis.  Kempton Park: Commonwealth Open University.


Scheepers, C.A. (2007) Holistic Wellness: A Christian Omnibus for Whole-Person Wellbeing.  Lincoln, NE: iUniverse.


Christo A. Scheepers: Therapeutic Reflexologist

Dip.T.R.(Cum Laude) [IARAMT]

AHPCSA:  A11945

Pr. No.: 1080000737453

Tel. 072-800 7243

