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We live in a modern society where change is a constant and something we have no control over, but what we are able to control, is the way we react to constant change.  In today’s post, we’ll consider change in your life as I share some thoughts around the inevitable change that this private practice of Christo Scheepers Therapeutic Reflexologist is undergoing.

Therapeutic Reflexologists are professional healthcare professionals formally registered and regulated by the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa (AHPCSA).  What that means, is that Therapeutic Reflexologists have to comply with many regulations and ethical guidelines that non-registered therapists do not have to.  One such requirement has to do with the premises from where registered Therapeutic Reflexologists practice from.

Therapeutic Reflexologists cannot merely practice from home like many people in the health and skincare industry are doing.  As professionals, there are very clear professional requirements Therapeutic Reflexologists have to comply with as published by the AHPCSA, e.g. we have to have a separate entrance to the practice and it cannot be part of your house.

For the past 2 years, I have been leasing office space that was not ideal, but definitely worked well while building up a practice in the area.  However, 2 years later, we have outgrown the office and needed professional office space.  It is a necessary change, but not always easy to make a change on this scale as it comes with many risks involved.  After 2 years at the same premises, the decision was made to relocate in March 2020 to professional office space.  The new offices are very close to the existing offices, but with added benefits like not sharing space and thus making appointments easier, better parking so no struggling to find a parking space and wheelchair access making sessions available to everyone.

The change is necessary, but still, it is not easy to take the step to give up a lease and finding new premises and then moving.

During this period, I was just reminded again that sometimes change in our lives are inevitable, but it does not make it easy.  We usually resist change as we like things to remain the same as they have always been.  However, with such an attitude of resistance usually comes stagnation and in order to grow and progress in life, we often have to make the necessary changes, even when we don’t like to change.

At the beginning of a new year, it is usually a good time to realise that you may need to make some changes in your life.  It may be a small change like joining a gym in order to exercise more, or sometimes it might be a big change like changing jobs or changing careers or moving premises.  You need to realise, that resistance to change is normal.  It is normal for you to feel uneasy about a change and not looking forward to making a change, but that does not mean that you should stay within a state of indecisiveness.  Making a decision to change is often less stressful then contemplating a possible change.

Sometimes a decision to change is needed in order for you to grow, but sometimes it may be more beneficial to decide not to make the change at a specific point in time as it may be more beneficial for you to do it at a later stage.

Change is inevitable in life.

Do not fight change.  Realise that constant change is part of the century we are living in so do not stress about change; instead, focus on deciding if the change is beneficial to you or not and then make a decision about changing or postponing the change.

One such decision you may have to make this year is whether you want to live a healthy life and whether you would like to increase your overall wellness.  If you want to, it may be in your best interest to find a reputable registered Therapeutic Reflexologist and make that first appointment towards regular Therapeutic Reflexology sessions.

Christo A. Scheepers: Therapeutic Reflexologist

Dip.T.R.(Cum Laude) [IARAMT]

AHPCSA:  A11945

Pr. No.: 1080000737453

Tel. 072-800 7243