Therapeutic Touch Therapy

Foot picture

Therapeutic Reflexology can be classified as therapeutic touch therapy, due to the skin-on-skin contact between therapist and patient.  Many have classified therapeutic reflexology as the best touch they ever experienced and after a session, some feel that therapeutic touch have been experienced for the very first time in their lives.


Therapeutic Reflexology is a gentle art of touching a patient’s feet and legs (sometimes other body parts like hands and arms and so forth) and applying therapeutic pressure to specific points on the body.  These areas are called reflexes and are basically the nerve endings on which the therapeutic reflexologist works.


The feet are mainly used in therapeutic reflexology due to the many nerve endings in the feet; each foot has about 200 000 nerve endings.  Working on these areas on the feet are very pleasurable, but totally non-invasive and thus creates a safe environment within which a patient may fully relax, enjoy the session and experience healthy touch; something that may be longed for in our present society that is characterised by a lack and even fear of touch between people.


We have been conditioned in modern-day society that touch should be avoided due to certain people abusing it and as a result we have been raising a generation that craves touch.  The problem is that when you are craving touch, you usually search for it in all the wrong places and end up being hurt in the process.


Healthy touch is part of therapy.  When you go to a professional therapist like a therapeutic reflexologist, therapeutic aromatherapist, therapeutic massage therapist, physiotherapist and so forth, you are entering a safe environment where touch is part of the healing modality or therapy you are about to receive.  These therapies are not only effective due to manipulating the soft tissue of the body, but it is also hugely effective due to the therapeutic touch that is involved in the process.


Therapeutic Reflexology is my therapeutic touch therapy of choice.  As a male therapist it is of the utmost importance for me to create a safe environment for my patients and whether the patient is a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, he or she should feel that they are entering a safe environment when entering my office.  Therapeutic Reflexology offers such a therapeutic touch therapy for me since it is totally non-invasive and the patient does not even have to get undressed while the touch is limited to non-invasive areas of the body.


Removing shoes and socks are not invasive at all, although some people may feel slightly hesitant to have a therapist look at and touch their feet.  Some are a bit hesitant due to concerns they may have like a medical condition like fungal toenails, while others may feel embarrassed due to their feet being cracked, dry, smelly or sweaty.  There is no need to feel hesitant or embarrassed at all.


You should remember that a therapeutic reflexologist is a trained professional and will not be embarrassed about any medical condition or the condition of your feet; in actual fact, it may all give clues to the reflexologist on the best way to approach your therapy session so you may receive the best possible therapy customised to your specific needs.  The therapeutic reflexologist will never make you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable and have all the tools in place to ensure you get the best possible therapy without ever feeling self-conscious or humiliated.  Therapeutic reflexology is a therapy of relaxation that enhances your overall wellbeing, not a modality to make you feel uncomfortable at all.


Therapeutic Reflexology may be classified as therapeutic touch therapy due to the reflexologist touching the patient’s feet and offers skin-on-skin contact in a totally non-invasive manner by stimulating the reflex areas.  The benefit is thus twofold, firstly the reflexes get stimulated which is very relaxing leading to the secretion of endorphins and the overall enhancement of wellbeing; secondly, the non-invasive touch of the feet is therapeutic in itself since the patient experiences healthy non-invasive touch from a professional therapist in a safe environment and thus enhances the feeling of psychological wellbeing, safety, nurturing and even a sense of belonging.  The feet are very sensitive due to all the nerve endings and therefore the professional touching of the feet are sometimes seen as one of the best forms of touch available to human beings; it is not strange for somebody craving touch to feel that they have been touched for the very first time after receiving a professional therapeutic reflexology treatment.


The touch that accompanies therapeutic reflexology is done with the intent of enhancing health and wellbeing which is part of why this therapy is so effective.


Healthy touch is needed in present-day society, but since it is not always advised to search for touch from strangers as it is often seen as inappropriate or even unsafe, it is highly suggested that you consider experiencing therapeutic touch therapy by visiting a properly registered and qualified therapeutic reflexologist.


Christo A. Scheepers: Therapeutic Reflexologist

Dip.T.R.(Cum Laude)[IARAMT]

AHPCSA:  A11945

Pr. No.: 1080000737453

Tel. 072-800 7243